
I haven’t officially started my health challenge and I love books, ergo my use of prologue here. I am not that great at journaling, but that is also one of my goals this year, capturing my thoughts. If you are reading and want to follow my progress along, I am going to be posting here, again for public accountability.

On Monday, I start a six week journey towards health. It’s a fitness challenge that has a potential reward of $5K. The incentive of course is totally not guaranteed, but a tangible reward for success is very appealing. But, its more than the money. I turn 49 this year and my health is trash. 

I currently taking 6 prescriptions, a couple for blood pressure, a couple for hormone imbalance, and some for mental stability. I would live to not have to do that. My doctor has indicated improving my health would allow me to scale back. Over the years I have had a couple times that I challenged the medical profession and stopped taking my meds, and actually ended up at the hospital. Needless to say, I am very sad that I have reached this point.

Some may not believe this, but I used to be very athletic. I played sports in high school and even a bit in college. I was really in good shape for many years following. Not to brag, ok maybe a little, I was known to challenge young men to foot races and win them. But, those days are gone and I am here.

I HAVE TO DO THIS, not to win races or look good, but to be around to watch my kids grow up. I have eight kids, my oldest married and my youngest only 8. I want to watch them grow up and I want to watch my grandkids grow up. More than that, I want to be involved, not just watching from the sidelines because I am broken.

That’s the why for this specific goal. Keeping a journal (blog) is because I want them to know that, even if I fail, I tried, I wanted to do it because they are important to me. 

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